Today we interrupt our usual financial, tax and accounting topics. And instead, we bring you Independence Day comments, safety alerts, and statistics. July Fourth is a fine time for celebration. We know you will cherish the memories you make with family, friends, and fun over this patriotic Holiday. It’s a thrilling, grilling, fun time for picnics, barbecues, cook-outs, parades, and parties. It’s a time to feel delighted in the liberty and freedom that is part of the legacy of this country.
A.P. Accounting and our special staff would like to take this moment to wish
you a Happy, Healthy, and Safe July 4, 2018.
With July 4th on Wednesday, this might become a full Week of
Red, White and Blue Festivities!
Independence Day: What Does July 4th Really Mean?
We are in the midst of all the holiday festivities. We hope you and your family take a moment to examine the real meaning. What does it really mean to be an American? We hope that between the tasty meals, the music, and the pyrotechnics, you can find a few quiet moments. Below AP Accounting and Tax Service brings you a few quotations from famous champions of the USA. We hope these words help you. And do pause to think of the real meaning behind Independence Day.
Messages for Your Independence Day Reflection:
President Harry S. Truman stated, “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage,
on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
President Ronald Reagan summed it up well with these words. It is especially appropriate for an Independence Day thought.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s
children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Family Gatherings, Fun Times and Possible Dangers
Families and friends are gathering for the long July 4th holiday. Sharing fun activities including fireworks, swimming on our beautiful Florida beaches and outdoor picnics. These are probably foremost in our plans.
Caution: Be aware there are potential dangers in every holiday. But, be aware. July 4th is the deadliest day of all the holidays on our nation’s roads. As accountants, we usually love statistics, but not the following ones.
Driving to Your Destination
Please Drive Carefully! AAA projects that a record 46.9 million Americans will be on the road. There is one reason for the increase this year. The holiday falls on a Wednesday. This gives people the flexibility to take a long weekend before or after.
It is estimated 164 people may lose their lives on the roadways during the Independence Day holiday. And an additional 18,600 may be seriously injured in motor vehicles. This data was released by professionals at the National Safety Council (NSC).
Alcohol, July 4 Traffic, and Gas Do Not Make a Good Cocktail
The NSC states that “During the 2016 Independence Day period, 41% of fatalities involved an alcohol-impaired driver.” And that is the highest percentage among all the major holiday categories.
Take our advice. Leave early. Avoid record-breaking crowds on the road. Wherever you go for your July 4th celebration, leave early. And do travel at the speed limit. And, we hope you avoid alcohol while driving. Don’t be one of that 41 percent of alcohol-related accidents. And just as important, stay focused behind the wheel.
Fireworks Can Pose a Deadly Danger
The Florida Department of Health has issued the following warning.
“Each July 4th, thousands of people are injured while using consumer fireworks.” They continued saying, “Thousands of these were children.” And the Health Dept. representative pointed out that there were deadly dangers associated with fireworks. Some of these dangers include “devastating burns, other injuries, fires and even death.”
Watch Out for sparklers. We normally think sparklers are safe. And yet, sparklers cause approximately 25 percent of the emergency room visits
Our primary tip: Be sure to watch and supervise children who are in the vicinity of any fireworks, especially sparklers. The National Fire Protection Association feels very strongly about the dangers of fireworks. Their viewpoint is: “Be safe. If you want to see fireworks, go to a public show put on by experts. Do not use consumer fireworks.”
Whether you are on vacation or staying home, please exercise caution. Keep your family safe. Again, in spite of the seasonal hazards mentioned above, our AP Accounting and Tax Services family hopes you and your family enjoy a great, Star-Spangled Fourth of July holiday.